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Z*NET / This item is <abridged>
========(( === ------------------------------------------
======(( ===== March 22, 1992 - Issue #29 - Vol 2, No. 9
====(( ======= ------------------------------------------
==((((((((( == Copyright (c)1992, Rovac Industries, Inc.
* The Editors Desk...........................Ron Kovacs and Jon Clarke
* Z*Net Newswire With Windows Update..................................
* Z*Net Newswire - One Year Ago.......................................
* The Graphical Edge......................................Mike Mezaros
* Microsoft Conference Highlights.......................America Online
* Z*Net Press Desk and New Product Announcements......................
* The Purple Alliance - Part Three........................Mike Mezaros
* Microsoft Visual Basic Professional Toolkit............Press Release
* America Online.......................................Glen Brensinger
* Stacker................................................Press Release
* Percentage............................................Paul Bernstein
Publisher\Editor-In-Chief...................................Ron Kovacs
Assistant Publisher\Managing Editor.........................Jon Clarke
Senior Editor.............................................Mike Mezaros
Articles Editor.............................................Mike Davis
Contributing Editor.....................................Bruce Hansford
Contributing Editor..........................................John Nagy
Contributing Editor....................................Terry Schreiber
Contributing Editor.....................................Dr. Paul Keith
Columnist....................................................Jim Manda
> Feedback Address and BBS Listings Appear At End Of Issue <
* THE EDITORS DESK by Ron Kovacs and Jon Clarke
With this edition we go back to a bi-weekly format. The reason we are
changing release is because of the lack of staff. There are openings
available to qualified persons, so if you are interested, leave PRIVATE
email on COMPUSERVE ONLY to 71777,2140.
We welcome a new BBS to the Z*NET family, namely Lightening BBS in
Perth Western Australia. The sysop Simon will be send regular raid and
tick files by Fido Net to all the Fido BBS's in Australia. Welcome
aboard Simon. Z*NET Western Australia
** IMPORTANT NOTICE: We have changed our Archive software 18MARCH92
please read this HELP file fully.
This is the HELP for the Waffle File Server at zpc@status.gen.nz
Please send EMail to ZPC@STATUS.GEN.NZ
This is the archive-server address. Now the commands. But first .....
Our thanks to Lawrence Hardiman for this fine software.
WFS's command language for incoming mail messages is short: three
commands: HELP, /DIR, /GET [filespec]. More than one command may be
specified in an incoming message. Commands appear in the body of the
message; the "Subject:" line, if any is ignored. Blank lines are
Lines beginning with anything but one of the recognized commands (or a
blank line) is reported as an error. After a number of detected
errors, WFS quits interpreting commands and flushes the remainder of
the message.
The HELP command must appear in an input stream beginning in column
one. The command must be upper case. Anything after the HELP on the
line is ignored. The file configured as the response to HELP by the
SYSOP is inserted in the session transcript following the HELP command.
The /DIR command must appear in an input stream beginning in column
one. The command must be upper case, with the leading slash. Anything
after the /DIR on the line is ignored. The /DIR command causes WFS to
send a sysop defined help file to the originator of the message.
The /GET command must appear in an input stream beginning in column
one. The command must be upper case, with the leading slash. The
syntax for the /GET command is:
/GET [filespec]
/GET ZNETPCxx.ZIP (where xx is the issue number)
[filespec] is required. [filespec] may be lower case. Anything on
the line after [filespec] is ignored.
Filenames with the file extension ".TXT" are sent "plaintext". That
is, they are mailed, as is. Filenames with any other extension
(including no extension) are mailed in uuencoded form.
-* ZNET PC Global News Gateway :::: zpc@status.gen.nz (archive-server)
help will send 'help' file (similar to 'get help')
get index will send file 'index'
get ZNETPCxx.ZIP UUE will send file 'ZNETPCxx.ZIP' in uue format
(please use NO paths and include the UUE command else you get nothing)
Please NOTE: if your email address includes % signs my mailer can not
send you mail. My host's host can not cope with "%" in the address
line and it bounces back to me so please add the BANG address ie
usent.com.ca!fred!username in your from line. I am sorry for any
inconvenience caused by this. Finally make sure you have a _valid_
from LINE:
* Postmasters: This is a robot archive, please ensure you reply to the
reply-to: line not the from: line for bounced mail else this mailer
will think you have sent a request.
***** WANTED : USA based archive server to post Z*NET PC to each Week
***** WANTED : Europe Based archive server (ditto)
***** WANTED : Australian based archive server (ditto)
It appears to be final: OS/2 2.0 won't ship with the full 32-bit
graphics engine developed by IBM and Micrografx. It will instead
feature a primarily 16-bit engine, with some 32-bit code. The full
32-bit engine will be included in a later update (perhaps OS/2 2.1,
which is said to also include Stacker-like disk compression). The
initial version has another video limitation: "seamless" Windows
support will only be available in VGA mode. IBM is reportedly working
on additional "seamless" drivers, which are apparently slightly modified
Windows display drivers, for XGA and various flavors of SuperVGA.
The Macintosh System Software Forum, held last week in California,
opened with a scene reminiscent of Steve Ballmer: "The Macintosh is not
dead," Apple president Michael Spindler told attendees. Apple is trying
to separate the Macintosh OS from the Pink operating system being
developed at Taligent. "We're not going to stop developing and
improving the Mac OS while we wait for at least three years to see what
Taligent comes out with," insisted Apple-Taligent liaison Chris
Espinosa. "We're not going to do to the Macintosh what we did to the
Apple II," he said.
The top ten shareware programs for February were: 1) Duke Nukum (T.
Replogle, arcade game), 2) Commander Keen (Id Software, arcade game), 3)
Sky Globe (M. Haney, astronomical display), 4) ViruScan (McAfee
Associates, anti-virus software), 5) Crystal Caves (F. Maddin, arcade
game), 6) Print Partner (R. Bequette, card/banner printer), 7) AM-Tax 91
(AM Software, federal tax preparation), 8) Desktop Paint 256 (S. Rimmer,
DOS paint program), 9) Graphics Workshop (S. Rimmer, graphics file
conversion), and 10) By Design (Streetwise Software, graphic designer
for WordPerfect). The above list is compiled monthly by Randy MacLean
and is based on unit sales of evaluation disks sold by the following
shareware disk vendors from the US, UK, and Austrailia: Bonware, CWI,
Manaccom, PC-SIG, Public Brand Software, Shareware Express, Software
Excitement!, Shareware Marketing, and Software Shopper.
Anyone interested in AT&T's 1991 Annual Report may use the company's
"AT&T News On-Line" service to access the report via computer. This is
a database containing AT&T press releases, the AT&T Fact Book and, as
of this week, the 1991 Annual Report. Users may access the system
using any communications soft ware on a PC and a modem. Communications
should be set for 7 data bits, 1 stop bit and even parity. The system
operates 24 hours a day and provides access at two speeds, 1200 and
2400 bps. For 1200 modems, dial 908-221-8088. For 2400 modems, dial
... <abridged>
[-End Of Issue-]
CompuServe....Private Mail: 71777,2140..........Staff Mail: 75300,1642
Internet UUCP.......................................znet@status.gen.nz
Internet Archive.....................................zpc@status.gen.nz
America Online................................................ZNET1991
Internet........................Via CompuServe with PPN@compuserve.com
Fido IFNA:.....Address..znet 3:772/105.0.....raid/tick files..3:772/40
Fido IFNA:.....Address..Australia Zone 3:...raid/tick files..3:690/601
* - Designates Z*Net Network System And Issues Available For Download
~ - Designates Z*Net Issues Available For Download
* Z*Net:USA New Jersey...(FNET 593)....................(908) 968-8148
* Z*Net:Pacific (UUCP:status.gen.nz IFNA 3:772/105)..(+649) 3585-543
* Wildcat BBS - West Coast Support For Z*Net...........(503) 526-2667
~ Northern Maine BBS...................................(207) 496-2391
~ ComNet Luxembourg BBS................................(352) 466893
~ Direct-Line BBS (UK).................................(081) 845-8228
~ The Flying Circus......Fido 1:120/301................(313) 549-4214
* Lightning BBS..........Fido 3:690/601 or 3:690/602...(+61)9344-7199
~ Russ's Corner........................................(313) 854-5600
~ LRZ-System (Germany)................................(+49)228-331214
~ The Breezeway........................................(410) 581-4340
GEnie-> M615 (IBM RTC) files section 2 CIS-> GO IBMAPP Section 8
UUCP--> znet@status.gen.nz IFNA-> 3:772/40 (for TICK and RAID files)
To sign up for DELPHI service, call (with modem) (800) 695-4002. Upon
connection, hit [return] once or twice. At Password: type ZNET and
hit [return].
To sign up for America Online call the customer service department at
(703) 827-6364 and ask for a free membership kit.
To sign up for GEnie service call (with modem) (800) 638-8369. Upon
connection type HHH and hit[return]. Wait for the U#= prompt and type
XJM11877,GEnie and hit [return].
To sign up for CompuServe service call (with phone) (800) 848-8199. Ask
for operator #304. You will be promptly sent a $15.00 free membership
Z*Net: PC Online Magazine is a weekly publication covering the IBM
and related computer community. No reprinting is permitted without the
written permission of the publisher. All articles are copyrighted by
the authors. Opinions present herein are those of the individual author
and does not necessarily reflect those of the staff. This publication
is not affiliated with the IBM Corporation. Z*Net, Z*Net News Service,
Z*Net International PC Online Magazine, Z*Net Publishing are copyright
(c)1992, Rovac Ind. Inc., PO Box 59, Middlesex, New Jersey, 08846-0059,
Voice: (908) 968-2024, BBS: (908) 968-8148. Registered FNET Node 593.
Z*NET: PC Online Magazine
Copyright (c)1992, Rovac Industries, Inc...